Cause Branding In the 21st Century
In the 21st century, it is clear that the integration of social issues and business practices was not a passing fad for the 1990s, but rather the beginning of [...]
In the 21st century, it is clear that the integration of social issues and business practices was not a passing fad for the 1990s, but rather the beginning of [...]
A few years ago, Smokey the Bear turned 70. Since the life expectancy of your average bear is only 22 ½ years, we can be pretty sure that’s he’s [...]
Charity, In and of Itself, Doesn't Pass Muster - Cause Marketers Seek Unprecedented Brand Accountability - Source: Cause and Effects Marketing Though it isn't likely to steal share points [...]
A decade ago if you dropped the phrase “cause-related marketing” in your conversation with a colleague, they would most likely return an empty stare. This is clearly not the [...]
Procter & Gamble's recent announcement that it is looking to establish a global causerelated marketing program, will see it join an illustrious group of companies. Phrases such as 'corporate [...]
Mulling over clothing accessories in downtown Minneapolis, Ellen Dahn figures two retailers offer similar styles at comparable prices. Same for quality and customer service. Then Dahn recalls the uplifting [...]
Charities are wooing marketers with turnkey programs that make them look good and move products, too. by Noreen Brubeck Marketers looking to jump on the cause-related bandwagon face rules [...]
Procter & Gamble's recent announcement that it is looking to establish a global cause-related marketing program, will see it join an illustrious group of companies. Phrases such as 'corporate [...]
Cause-related marketing, or cause marketing, has exploded in recent years even though it is a relatively young concept, growing from a $120 million industry in 1990 to more than [...]
While corporate sponsorships are not new, the following case history shows how they can be a very powerful way for non-profits, a paid sponsor and the media to work [...]